Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Okay, I am a stubborn, pig headed control freak, perfectionist. I admit it. I had better things planned for today. I wanted to take some more pictures somewhere, but now I am too stubborn to give up on this. Some of you were kind enough to stop by my earlier post, but I was just not happy with it. What if Matthew Mead or Martha had stopped by ( this has happened to other bloggers). I had written text to go with these pictures, but for now I am going to ask you to just look at the pretty gourds, squash as bookends and handmade wreath on the door. Yes, I need to paint the magnetic hook on the door. Those things hanging from the lights over the fireplace are acorn clusters. Faux, but very cute for a girl with an acorn fetish. Oh, and I can't forget the beautiful organic pinecone that my friend Clarice sent to me.

So, with a flourish, I am going to delete the earlier post. Wave the magic wand, please....


I have not been diagnosed with Multiple Personality Disorder, but maybe I should be. I asked my Hubbie to help me size the photos I took and next thing I know he has changed the template, added a header of sorts and started my "New Friends List", maybe I should rename it to that now that I think of it. This is my second time trying this post because I want to add a couple of pix of my house, just to tease you and keep you coming back, but the pix ended up in the wrong place. This will probably happen again. Now I am thinking, I put the pix in first and post around them? So many questions and so few answers.

Well, here goes, with any luck this will be a picture of the back end of my living room. Gourds, I love gourds, the wartier the better. They are sitting on a black dresser which was a nasty yellow dresser that I salvaged from the first house I ever listed and sold. I painted it rather hastily, which is the way I do most projects, and added some gold stencilling. Voila, it is a "Hitchcock Bureau".

Okay, this is getting absurd. Now I can't get into the pictures I have so painstakingly saved. I am leaving, now, just walking away and hopefully I will figure out why the"add image" won't respond".


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I am sure that many of you are aware that the Boston Red Sox won the World Series Sunday night. This means,among other things, that I missed parts of "Brothers and Sisters" and if I have any chance of growing up to be Sally Field I need to keep up on that show!

Today all of Boston is celebrating as the team rides through the city on DUCK vehicles. There is something about watching highly paid athletes wearing kilts ( OK, only one wore the kilt he was given) and doing Irish dancing that just makes me happy to be a very small part of their fan base. Why is it so difficult for most of us to just relax and let loose and have some silly fun? Just a rhetorical question folks.

I spent some time going through parts of my house (the picked up parts) and taking a few pix today. Hopefully tonight the Hub will help me get them ready for a post tomorrow. I wanted to go out today and take some pictures in some pretty neighborhoods around town, but I am a Realtor. That means that instead of playing in the sunshine today I must wait with bated breath for someone to call me and let me know a septic permit is ready to be picked up. And you thought being a Realtor was just looking at pretty houses and making gobs of money. Wrong on both counts.

More tomorrow,

Monday, October 29, 2007

Let me introduce myself

Well here I am. I have been bitten by the blog bug and have decided to take the plunge. Any of you that know me know that I am scared of water over my head or in my nose or eyes so this is very scary indeed.

Do you like the name of the blog? It came to me in one of those BFOs ( Blinding Flash of the Obvious). I am obsessed with houses. I sell houses, I stage houses and occasionally I even get paid to do it. I love to peek at houses and I am the first to admit that I am nosy about how others decorate. As I look around my house I notice that even the artwork I am drawn to often has houses in it. If they have overflowing windowboxes all the better.

What kind of house do I live in? A very uninspired Colonial style home built in 1973. If you know much about architecture and building you probably know that the 70s will never be known as the Golden Age of anything. So the house is totally devoid of character and even has an avocado bath and a harvest gold half bath. I consider these my retro baths as they are in decent shape and after raising 4 boys I don't have the time or the money to redo them anytime soon.

What kind of house would be my dream house? That changes fairly often, but I have always loved Craftsmen Bungalows and capes from the 20s and 30s. Hopefully I will be able to figure out the posting picture thing as well as some other issues to make this blog fun for you and me and show you some of my favorite houses.

Now, I would like to digress, which I do a lot of. Melissa@ is having a party on November 2 to celebrate her 100 post. She has a really inspiring blog which I invite to hop over to and read. Tell her I invited you
to the party.

Hopefully I will have some pictures to show you next post or maybe a yummy recipe. That's right I love to cook almost as much as I love houses.