Has anyone else been having a problem with "weird comments" lately? I have been getting an anonymous spam comment or two every once in a while. Just an annoyance, really...but in the last couple of weeks they have been becoming more common and just today I received over 20 comments on posts as far back as 2007. A great way to revisit some of my old posts, but pretty time consuming when there are that many and they are in CHINESE. Not that they are any harder to delete in Chinese, I am just sayin'. So, sadly, I have enabled the word verification feature and hope that this doesn't cause anyone not to leave me comments. I love your comments and it makes me so happy that someone actually reads my less than prolific (lately) posts.
In other non-news, it is cold, it is wintery and I am over it already. Bring on spring. And oh yeah, someday it will be light enough for Bob to take pix of the new kitchen color before it gets too dirty and you can gaze with awe at my new "tile" backsplash behind the stove.