Wednesday, April 7, 2010


"They" seem to think we are operating a Bed and Breakfast for their comfort and convenience.  At night they are required to sleep elsewhere in the house.  In the morning they eat, go about their business ( a lovely euphemism, don't you think?) and then settle in for a lovely nap.  They sometimes take turns on the down comforter leaving their divots.

It's going to be 85 degrees today and 55 degrees tomorrow and the rest of the week/weekend.  Seems like a good day to open the sunroof and head to Concord to check out a couple of antique shops.  I'll take my camera!



  1. What a cute pic of kitty nap time. It's funny how they just take over the bed. My two are napping on th bed right now also.
    Herbal Blessings, mandy

  2. I'm not sure if more jealous of the cats laying on the bed or your weather?

  3. It's all about the cats isn't it? Fabric is lovely but,how can you go wrong with Waverly.I'm on the coast and we hit 85 today.Hooray!!

  4. Kitties know the best places to be guests! What will you name the B&B?


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