Ok ladies, you have been oh so patient and I thank you for that and for hanging around during the perils of the house from hell. I love each and every one of you .
Drum roll please.......on May 8th ( 13 short days from now) Bob and I fly to Barcelona where we will begin our 7 day Western Mediterranean cruise . We depart Barcelona on May10 and spend one day at sea ( on our private balcony) and then we stop in Malta, Naples ( Capri for us), Rome, Florence and Villefranche ( Nice). Each day is short and we could make ourselves crazy trying to cram so much into so little time, but we have decided to forego any guilt about the "must sees" and just do as much or as little as we darn well please. Relaxation in the sunshine is the ultimate goal...that and spending 8 hours in the South of France. The South of France has been a dream of mine for many years and I can't wait to just soak it in, that and drink coffee and eat croissants and wander amongst the ochre colored houses, takes lots of pictures for my wonderful friends, go to the Saturday open air market and take in the soap factory if I have time.
The ridiculous part is that we are spending less money than we would to take a weeks vacation stateside and we have frquent flier miles ( although they are charging $300. to use them) for the airfare.
So....was it worth the wait? It certainly is for us...just a romantic getaway for the two of us after a very long, hard year.
Adios, Au revoir, Arrivaderci,
ps. if you have more than 7 years worth of checks/receipts/tax returns etc do your family a favor and shred them now!!! We have every receipt and piece of paper from 1957 until last December and I will probably be shredding until the cows come home and possibly the bulls too.