Pssst....come here...let me whisper a secret in your ear....I have never been to Florida. Yeah, that's right, I have been to Italy and France, the west coast including LA, San Francisco and Seattle, heck, I have even been to Malta ...what percentage of the US population has been to Malta, but I have never been to Florida or worse yet, I have never even been tempted to go to Florida. You want to know why???? Of course you do, you are my curious friends. Well, let me tell you why...back in the 4th grade ...this would be 1961..were you alive then??? Our teacher, Miss Hayes, read us a book about a family vacationing in Florida. They had many adventures, including getting stuck on a drawbridge ( we had certainly never seen a drawbridge in Vermont) which introduced us to the word "precarious", as in it was a " precarious situation". But what has stuck with me the most, after many decades...(how can I be this old???) was that they stayed in a ...gasp......pink cinder block motel. That, my friends, is my lasting image of Florida. Why would I spend hard earned money, despite the cold New England winters, to stay in a ...gasp.......pink cinder block motel??
Then I discovered blogging and the first blog that I somehow discovered was Kim at DearDaisyCottage and I was hooked. Her Florida bungalow is spectacular and all images of pink, or even mint green, cinder blocks have left my mind. And then today I am over the top thrilled with her post of her friend Yvonne's home, yep, it is in Florida. Please go and visit Kim's post for today ( August 25th) and check out Yvonne's 1920s bungalow. This is exactly what I want my house to look and more importantly feel like. Not a cinder block in sight;-)
Okay, now I am off to check out SouthWest Airlines to see about a ticket to Florida!! No, I am not actually planning a trip, but maybe I should at least consider a Florida trip, if only to to get the motel image out of my mind.