Well here I am. I have been bitten by the blog bug and have decided to take the plunge. Any of you that know me know that I am scared of water over my head or in my nose or eyes so this is very scary indeed.
Do you like the name of the blog? It came to me in one of those BFOs ( Blinding Flash of the Obvious). I am obsessed with houses. I sell houses, I stage houses and occasionally I even get paid to do it. I love to peek at houses and I am the first to admit that I am nosy about how others decorate. As I look around my house I notice that even the artwork I am drawn to often has houses in it. If they have overflowing windowboxes all the better.
What kind of house do I live in? A very uninspired Colonial style home built in 1973. If you know much about architecture and building you probably know that the 70s will never be known as the Golden Age of anything. So the house is totally devoid of character and even has an avocado bath and a harvest gold half bath. I consider these my retro baths as they are in decent shape and after raising 4 boys I don't have the time or the money to redo them anytime soon.
What kind of house would be my dream house? That changes fairly often, but I have always loved Craftsmen Bungalows and capes from the 20s and 30s. Hopefully I will be able to figure out the posting picture thing as well as some other issues to make this blog fun for you and me and show you some of my favorite houses.
Now, I would like to digress, which I do a lot of. Melissa@ theinspiredroom.wordpress.com is having a party on November 2 to celebrate her 100 post. She has a really inspiring blog which I invite to hop over to and read. Tell her I invited you
to the party.
Hopefully I will have some pictures to show you next post or maybe a yummy recipe. That's right I love to cook almost as much as I love houses.
Janet? The Janet who sometimes visits my blog and leaves comments? Is this YOU? The one I can never visit because she doesn't have a blog? I can't believe you didn't come tell me you started your own blog.
ReplyDeleteI just saw your name somewhere on a comment and thought to myself again, too bad she doesn't have her own blog so I could visit her. But then, I realized I could click on your name. Strange! Even stranger, you had a blogger profile! And strangest yet, A BLOG! HOORAY! And, you are being a BFF by inviting people to the big shin dig this Friday!
Now I am a happy camper.
You get bonus points for that.
Welcome to blogging, well, to us being able to visit you too! Be sure to tell people about this new blog when you leave your comments so they will know to visit!
I am happy to have stumbled here!
Congratulations, Janet!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be having a "Hundredth Post Party" at Housepeepers before you know it!
ReplyDeleteHere are some unsolicited words of advice for a new blog, from a toddler blog! First of all, when I first started I had NO COMMENTS. None! Once in awhile I would have a couple. That is because I didn't have a clue about other blogs, I was just discovering this whole new world. And, I wasn't out TRYING to get comments. But what I can tell you is comments or no, it is OK! The advice I got from one of the top bloggers when I started was the following:
Write for yourself
Let people discover you
Link where you want to but never ask for a link exchange.
How about that! So, I just started writing things I was interested in. Even if no one commented. Then I started visiting other blogs, but I didn't do any many strategy to bring in or coerce more commenters when I was just getting myself established.
I let people discover me. That keeps it real. It might take more time that way, but in the end I think people respect that and will come to you because they like your content and relate to you as a person. And that is really what you want.
You already are a step ahead, because you have been a faithful commenter. People will already know about you from your visits, so that is great! Just remember, the point is to write for yourself and eventually others of like mind will be drawn to you.
Congratulations again!
I look forward to getting to know more about you!
This simply matchless message ;)