Monday, March 31, 2008


Spring must have arrived. On Friday the goldfinches at my feeder looked kinda like this ... still dressed for winter

And today more like this. Not quite there yet, but the difference in a couple of days was rather startling. Before you know it Mr. Goldfinch will be decked out in full regalia..... don't you just love a goldfinch?


Edited to add:These are not my photos, but are from some public domain source, I believe. I don't have a zoom nearly this powerful :>)


  1. Wow, what a change! I don't think we have those in my neck of the woods. I'll admit, I don't spend a lot of time bird watching. I usually notice the blue jays because they're noisy. And the black birds because they always try to get into the garbage cans. But since my kids have just covered my back porch with bird seed, maybe I'll have a few more to watch!

    I just realized that you left me a comment a few days ago asking how I like blogging now. I didn't see the comment until today. To answer your question, I'm really enjoying it. There are a lot of nice people out there in blogland, and a lot of fun blogs to read.

  2. What sweet and wonderful photos! Isn't it nice that Spring is finally arriving?

    I know that you must be looking forward to your trip, too. :)

  3. Hubby and I have been watching this transformation, too! Isn't Spring grand? :-) Rosie

  4. we have a finch feeder--these little guys eat alot!

  5. Wow Janet! What a great capture! And the transormation is amazing!

  6. What great photos! Looks like spring has arrived!


  7. You're right, I do love goldfinches. They are such charming little birds.

  8. My husband just commented on the same thing this weekend. Our chipmunks are back too - all good signs!

  9. Cute birdies!

    I'm starting to see a lot of chickadees here. Love 'em!


  10. Our robins are all over the place and yesterday was so clear and sunny! Even warmed up to 58 degrees! IT felt like Spring. IT is back to rain and clouds and 40s today but that is Spring I guess.
    You are so breaking into that poetry group would cause a scene...and I know that you may well need the bail money. Still, if I did it right, timed it just right...nah. You are probably right. I am much too purty for prison. *evil laughter* Or not...

    All packed??



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