Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, but there are some things happening which are entirely out of my control. 1) My FIL is in the hospital with what was first thought to be a stroke, but now they say "no". He is doing better today ( been there since early Friday AM), but it is a bit freaky to not know what is causing the confusion, stumbling etc. 2) My brother in Tucson has been laid off and has put his house on the market and is selling almost everything he owns in anticipation of turning tail and running back to Vermont. He hates Realtors ( I don't envy his for sure) and is bombarding me with pleas for advice which he scoffs at. 3) Weather has gone from lovely to 45 degrees and rainy. I know we need the rain, but couldn't it be a warm rain?
On another note I am not sure how many of you are acquainted with young Aussie Jeni Ballantyne of TheComfySpot She is a courageous young woman who is fighting Stage Four colon cancer and blogging about it. Some friends have put together an e-bay auction of donated goods to help defray some of her costs and to establish a trust fund for her six year old son Jack. If you get a chance please visit the auction at http// Her plight is truly heart wrenching.
Good news...I won a Cottage decorating book from Julia over at Hooked on Houses. She has a very focused blog which is all about houses from tours of stars homes to MLS tours to design info. Stop by and say hello!
Bob is in SoCal for a two day class so I am going to indulge in a frozen ( I know, not great!) CPK garlic chicken pizza and a chick flick. Sounds like a theme night...chick pizza and chick movie!!
I have disabled the word verification; it has become positively evil with different widths and fonts. I 'm willing to give it a try so no goofy/rude spam please!!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I have been home for a week now and I miss my friend. It is so nice to be able to have an extended period of time to connect. You don't feel rushed to try and remember everything you want to say in a short time. It was so relaxing and now I am coming to terms with "real life". It has finally been beautiful here and I have spent a lot of time working in the yard, clearing branches and way too many sticks from the yard. I am trying to dig up the one sunny garden I have. Most of my yard is too shady to grow what I want and the one sunny spot is almost too sunny. The soil is stony and pitiful as well. So, I dig and dig and eventually when everything is out I will amend the soil and try and grow some herbs and maybe a couple of roses. Mostly I am digging up Daylilies and Black-eyed Susans and some flowers that are somewhat related to Jerusalem Artichokes. They flower in late summer with multi-stemmed yellow flowers. They are great for bouquets, but grow about 5 feet tall and always flop all over the place. They are also way too invasive and send runners deep in the soil to pop up everywhere. I don't think I will ever get rid of them.
So, here are the rest of my pictures. I will try to just comment briefly on them and let you enjoy the splendor that is Southern California.
This is "C'est La Vie" where I intended to order the Chicken Crepes, But decided it would be much more "SoCal", not to mention so cool to have the Chicken Lime Salad. It was delicious and I am certainly not known for being a salad girl!
The beach, Enough said!

Laguna Beach was Saturday. Friday we went to Orange which has a gazillion antique shop/malls. We only went in a couple and the prices were way ridiculous compared to the East Coast. Just Crazy. Here are a couple of houses in Orange. Different style from LA. More Craftsman style bungalows and workers cottages with a few small scale Victorian homes thrown in.

Goodbye my friend and thank you for a wonderful time. Your turn to come here next, OK?
So, here are the rest of my pictures. I will try to just comment briefly on them and let you enjoy the splendor that is Southern California.
Laguna Beach was Saturday. Friday we went to Orange which has a gazillion antique shop/malls. We only went in a couple and the prices were way ridiculous compared to the East Coast. Just Crazy. Here are a couple of houses in Orange. Different style from LA. More Craftsman style bungalows and workers cottages with a few small scale Victorian homes thrown in.
Goodbye my friend and thank you for a wonderful time. Your turn to come here next, OK?
Sunday, April 20, 2008

First I will finish showing you the pictures I took of the L.A. Neighborhood near the famed "Miracle Mile". Personally I had never heard of the Miracle Mile, but in doing some research on Campanile ( the restaurant) I found out that this is what the whole neighborhood is referred to and that a lot of the major museums are in this area. I probably should have done the research before I went, but oftentimes serendipity is more fun, especially when you are with a good friend. So, carry on:
Dinner was at "Off Vine" conveniently located to Vine, no really, it was and only 3 blocks from the Theatre.
To get to the theatre we walked up Vine on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I saw many stars and believe me, Susie Q, I was watching for a Brian D. star...he does have one doesn't he? This was the best I could do...silly me.
Have I bored you to tears yet? Let me know which house you liked best, just so I know you are still awake.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

I just need to take a minute and get this off my chest. I know the price of gas has been on everyone's mind as the costs just escalate. Here is my story. I know that gas here in Massachusetts is below the national average; I don't know why that is and I don't really care. Basically I am pretty frugal and I try not to drive just for the sake of driving, I plan my errands etc. ( Yeah, I know I was in the car a lot in LA and maybe that was selfish or maybe it was a well deserved and much enjoyed vacation, thank you Chic Hollywood Starlet. ) Back to my story...when I left here on April 9th, exactly 10 days ago, gas had been fluctuating between $3.09 and 3.11, but the morning I left it was 3.11. When I came back in the 15th it was 3.24. That seemed like a pretty big hike in 6 days. Thursday it was 3.29, Friday it was 3.34 and today it is 3.40. That is almost a 10% increase in ten days or 1% a day. What is going on and when will it stop??? I try to do my best to God and my country, to help other people at all times and to obey the Girl Scout laws ...does anyone remember this but me with my bizarre memory??, but it is getting ridiculous and I have to go by the gas station each time I go anywhere, so burying my head in the sand is not an option. Okay, enough said and my chest is feeling so much better. And oh yeah, I know a lot of you are paying a whole lot more and I truly do feel for you too :)
Maybe I will continue my California trip tomorrow because I worked outside all day and I am really tired tonight. It was a beautiful day and the yard is looking better, not good, but better.
Nighty night,
Friday, April 18, 2008
Day #2 in LA LA LAND!!
Thursday was our day to go to the big city for dinner and Wicked. We got dressed and left about 10:30 AM for our dinner reservations at 6:00. You never know how long it will take in traffic, don't you know? As soon as we got on the freeway...instant gridlock. We sat and crawled and crawled and sat our way to LA. This was all so new to me. As many times as I have been to California I have never actually been to " the city" as they used to refer to it on Dragnet and here we were cautiously...down Wilshire Blvd. We parked near here:
We went to the LaBrea Bakery ( of cookbook fame), but alas there was no place to eat so we went next door to Campanile, once home to Charlie Chaplin. Very posh and quite pricey, but girls have to treat themselves once in a blue moon and we had tap water and Salad Nicoise.

Next we found this beautiful neighborhood of "modest" homes from the 20s thru 40s and walked and clicked. Here is what we saw:
Sleep well and tomorrow we will go to dinner and the theatre and see a few more houses. Hope you are enjoying your peeping ;-)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I am back and I had so much fun and such a relaxing, laid back time. I wanted to do some kind of travelogue for you, but find that the ADD is kicking in and making the organization tough. Clearly it is also making font sizes change as well. So without further ado here is the story of my Wednesday ( arrival day).
I flew into Ontario California, which for some reason was half as mush as flying into John Wayne and equidistant for my friend to pick me up. It was about 4:00 when I got into the car after flying from Providence to Las Vegas, (by way of Nashville) with just enough time for an iced caffe mocha and then on to California. Here we are arriving at the house.
Back to my friend's for a chat before bedtime. Tomorrow we will go to LA. It will be a long day with lots of pictures, so get your rest.
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