Tuesday, December 29, 2009
When do you take your Holiday decorations down?
Right after Christmas?
Right after New Years?
After Epiphany?
Whenever you get around to it?
Inquiring minds want to know, and I do too ;)
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Heap on more wood!
The wind is chill;
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still."
Sir Walter Scott
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still."
Sir Walter Scott
We are expecting a blizzard-type storm tonight and we are ready. Lots of flour, sugar and eggs. Many forms of chocolate and nuts. Coffee and wine. What more could you need for a day of snow with Christmas just around the corner.
Wishing a very Warm and Cheery Holiday to all my friends and their families.
Wishing a very Warm and Cheery Holiday to all my friends and their families.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I am slowly working on getting my kitchen/foyer/upstairs hall back in shape. I am being very, very deliberate where I place each thing as I don't want to mess up the paint. The Pensive Sky by Behr in the kitchen is absolutely beautiful, very serene and clean looking. I want to paint every room in Pensive Sky right now because it makes me so very happy to walk into the kitchen and see it. The aforementioned foyer et al is a Benjamin Moore color called Golden Tan which seemingly has no tan, but is a lovely buttery color. I would take pix, but my camera is acting up right now, so please use your imagination, OK.
Thinking of all of you, even though i haven't been leaving many comments lately. I know, bad blogger etiquette, but know I am enjoying your posts, OK?
Happy Decorating,
Thinking of all of you, even though i haven't been leaving many comments lately. I know, bad blogger etiquette, but know I am enjoying your posts, OK?
Happy Decorating,
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Here are some photos from our quick NYC trip on November 28. Of course, I also went to NYC with Sami ( my potential DIL) on November 15, but was too busy eating, shopping the street vendors and watching the Rockettes to take pix for you. Bob was more than happy to oblige on this trip. Enjoy the randomness of these photos!

The lovely, casually elegant restaurant where Sami and I lingered over wine and dinner. Photo taken so I would remember the name of the restaurant, lol.

Window at Henri Bendel, and no, I would not look good in that outfit ( contrary to what Bob thought). He is such a keeper!

Happy Holidays.
The lovely, casually elegant restaurant where Sami and I lingered over wine and dinner. Photo taken so I would remember the name of the restaurant, lol.
Window at Henri Bendel, and no, I would not look good in that outfit ( contrary to what Bob thought). He is such a keeper!
Happy Holidays.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanks for hanging out or hanging on waiting for me to post something...anything. Well, the painters are finally coming on Tuesday. They will paint the kitchen the Behr "Pensive Sky" which is still not "quite" right, but close enough after all these months of agonizing. The foyer, stairway and upstairs hall will have the wallpaper stripped, walls skim coated and be painted some kind of pale gold ( guess I need to get some real samples up tomorrow). It will take 3-4 days. Now I just have to get everything off the wall etc and find a place to put it until the mess is over. Did I ever tell you how much I hate having my house disrupted?? Something about the ADD brain I guess. Hopefully I will be back to posting something next week, OK?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Bob is 39 again!! Here is the dinner menu befitting a man who has been 39 for the last 17 years.
Roasted Chilean Sea Bass
Israeli Couscous cooked in Tarragon Infused Seafood Stock
Glazed Carrots
Haricot Verts ( OK, actually just green beans)
Chocolate Angel Food Cake ( from Whole Foods)
Roasted Chilean Sea Bass
Israeli Couscous cooked in Tarragon Infused Seafood Stock
Glazed Carrots
Haricot Verts ( OK, actually just green beans)
Chocolate Angel Food Cake ( from Whole Foods)
OK, so I can't seem to "bring home the bacon" lately, but I sure can "fry it up in the pan".
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sadly my friend left on Tuesday and I miss her. We took a trip to Vermont where Old Man Winter decided to take an early exploratory trip. It was freezing and we were staying right next to the lake ( Lake Champlain) so everytime we went outside our noses and eyes starting watering from the cold wind. The air was a balmy 38 degrees...bbbrrrrrr!
We played with paint colors for the kitchen. Remember I was agonizing over the choices and had pretty much settled on a color called Copper Mountain. Then I realized it appeared "dead" to me and in a complete about face I have decided to go with a cool, pale blue. I wish it was just a tad warmer, but it will warm up when all my plates are up on the walls, my copper is polished and I accent it with touches of brown and brick red. Right now the walls look like a prop from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. So many colors that didn't make the final cut.
We went for long walks in very New England feeling neighborhoods, but alas my camera is acting very strangely these days, so no photos. We watched the Celtics ( did you know I am a basketball fan?) and we saw Julie and Julia on Pay per View at our Hotel in our cozy jammies. It was so much fun.
Now it is back to the real world. The new stair treads are almost finished...the last four should go down this weekend and hopefully the painters can come next week. I am tired of having power tools in the way in my kitchen and having so many splotchy patches. I do.not.do.well. with my kitchen or house torn up. I am a creature of order!
We played with paint colors for the kitchen. Remember I was agonizing over the choices and had pretty much settled on a color called Copper Mountain. Then I realized it appeared "dead" to me and in a complete about face I have decided to go with a cool, pale blue. I wish it was just a tad warmer, but it will warm up when all my plates are up on the walls, my copper is polished and I accent it with touches of brown and brick red. Right now the walls look like a prop from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. So many colors that didn't make the final cut.
We went for long walks in very New England feeling neighborhoods, but alas my camera is acting very strangely these days, so no photos. We watched the Celtics ( did you know I am a basketball fan?) and we saw Julie and Julia on Pay per View at our Hotel in our cozy jammies. It was so much fun.
Now it is back to the real world. The new stair treads are almost finished...the last four should go down this weekend and hopefully the painters can come next week. I am tired of having power tools in the way in my kitchen and having so many splotchy patches. I do.not.do.well. with my kitchen or house torn up. I am a creature of order!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
In just a couple of hours my friend Jano is arriving from SoCal for 6 days of girl fun. Jano is my friend who comments as Anonymous/jkj. We have known each other for about 27 years now and although we don't see each other often, when we do we pick right up where we left off the last visit. Aren't friends like that great?? Planned is an overnight trip to Burlington VT ( where we both lived when we met) and maybe a day trip to Portland Maine. The weather is not supposed to be great but hopefully we will get some serious Housepeeping in too.
Her room is all ready with new flannel sheets and a down comforter to augment the quilts and puffy pillows. It looks very inviting if I do say so myself!!
PS. I cooked a turkey breast, some stuffing and gravy so we will have some hearty food when we get back from the airport. The house smells all warm and sagey...delicious!
Her room is all ready with new flannel sheets and a down comforter to augment the quilts and puffy pillows. It looks very inviting if I do say so myself!!
PS. I cooked a turkey breast, some stuffing and gravy so we will have some hearty food when we get back from the airport. The house smells all warm and sagey...delicious!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
This is the best Pizza Bianca I have ever made or tasted. Because I am having way too much trouble trying to copy the recipe, please go to relishmag.com and search pizza bianca for the recipe. I used fresh mozzarella instead of fontina and made my own crust ( just cuz I always do!). This would be good made with leftover turkey too. It already tastes Thanksgiving-y to me beacause of the onions and thyme. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
New Wine for Seniors
> California vintners in the Napa Valley area, which primarily produce Pinot
> Blanc, Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid
> grape
> that acts as an anti-diuretic.
> It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to
> the bathroom during the night.
> The new wine will be marketed as
> I just couldn't help it.
New Wine for Seniors
> California vintners in the Napa Valley area, which primarily produce Pinot
> Blanc, Pinot Noir and Pinot Grigio wines, have developed a new hybrid
> grape
> that acts as an anti-diuretic.
> It is expected to reduce the number of trips older people have to make to
> the bathroom during the night.
> The new wine will be marketed as
> I just couldn't help it.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Did anyone receive their November issue of Country Living yet?? Mine is usually here by the 8th of the month and with so many of my favorite magazines gone I am getting just a tad paranoid. I didn't see it at the grocery store either. Cause for concern?? Hopefully not.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I own one of the most popular cars ( Toyota Corolla) in the most popular color...silver mica. Did you ever notice how many silver Corollas and Camrys are out there? At my office we refer to them as the company cars since several of us own them. More than once I have left the office and paying little attention tried to get into the wrong car. Has this happened to you?
Yesterday while leaving Vermont, Bob stopped at the gas station to get Diet Mountain Dew for the trip and I went thru the parking lot to the Bagel Factory for a warm bagel for the trip. There was a line and it took longer than I anticipated and I thought that Bob would probably drive around to get me. I came out with bagel in hand and noticed two silver Toyotas, saw a guy in one and headed right on over. I opened the door and got partway in when the man said "Hello" and I looked up and realized it was the man that had been in front of me in line...not Bob. I sheepishly put on a Gilda Radner Never Mind face and cautiously proceeded to Car #2 , carefully checked and saw Bob chuckling to himself. Will I ever live this down or will my next posts come from the Nursing Home or Assisted Living Center??
Later ( I hope),
Friday, October 9, 2009
I just couldn't resist passing this along. Hope you enjoy it!
Miss Beatrice,
The church organist,
Was in her eighties
And had never been married. She was
Admired for her sweetness
Admired for her sweetness
And kindness to all.
One afternoon the pastor
Came to call on her and she showed him
Into her quaint sitting room.
Into her quaint sitting room.
She invited him to have a seat while
She prepared tea...
She prepared tea...
As he sat facing her old Hammond
The young minister
Noticed a cut glass
Bowl Sitting on top of it.
Bowl Sitting on top of it.
The bowl was filled
With water, and in the
Floated, of all things, a
Floated, of all things, a
When she returned
With tea and
They began to chat.
The pastor tried to stifle his
About the bowl of water and its
Strange floater, but soon it got the better of
Strange floater, but soon it got the better of
and he could no longer
'Miss Beatrice', he said,
'I wonder if you would tell me about
Pointing to the bowl.
'Oh, yes,' she replied, 'Isn't it
I was walking through
The Park a few months ago
And I found this little package on the
The directions said
To place it on the organ,
Keep it wet and that it would prevent
The spread of disease.. Do you know I haven't
The spread of disease.. Do you know I haven't
had the flu all winter.
If you don't send
To five GOOD
Right away
There will be
Five fewer people
Smiling in the
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I am just sitting here at the trusty computer checking out some new blogs I have found and thinking that I really should post something. You know that feeling you get when you know your adoring public is just hanging on your every word?? Well, maybe not.
Here is what is currently happening. Yesterday my 14 year old cat, Calvin, had his tumorous third eyelid removed. He had been having some pro bono magnetic resonance therapy, which I referred to as hocus pocus therapy ( after all, it does involve something that resembles a divining rod ), but it did not help his eye. He looks good as new now, but I have to give him artificial tears and polymycin salve.
It rained hard here all day and although we do need the rain badly it was pouring when I went grocery shopping...not cold...just pouring. But rain and October ar powerful associations and therefore I found myself buying "Fall Food", you know, like meat for pot roast, parsnips and buttercup squash. Amazing how powerful a simple rainy day can be.
Speaking of fall, I have a dilemma. This spring I bought a metal trough type windowbox for my kitchen window next to my back door. I planted it with impatients and let them go. They are so beautiful now that I cannot bring myself to pull them out and plant mums and pansies. So now I have a schizophrenic looking tableau, a basket with sunflowers, oak leaves with acorns and bittersweet hanging on the back door, a window box full of pink, white and salmon impatients and a zinc watering can with bittersweet in it. I am afraid the little men in white coats will be here for me anytime, lol.
I am not sure why these italics keep appearing and disappearing, they seem to have a mind of their own!! For the first time in my life I am having a contractor paint for me. Pretty exciting stuff for a girl who demands perfection in such things and then doesn't do a very good job when she does it herself. We were to have the kitchen done and also the foyer, stairway and upstairs hall. That area still has wallpaper which was put up on bare wallboard when the house was built. No plaster, no paint, no sizing and I can tell you from stripping all the other rooms in the house that it is a bear to do. Plus the stairwell is impossible to get to. The color for the foyer etc will be a straw color, no problem. I pride myself on being very good with color and can actually carry color around in my head until I find the perfect shade. That being said, I am making myself crazy with the kitchen color. The floors and countertops are a darkish blue which I still like although the countertops are showing some wear, the cabinets are pickled oak. They are the bugaboo! I would paint the kitchen a straw color or camel color, but the cabinets have a pink tinge which looks awful with any yellow tint. I would go with a nice taupe but it has to be really dark to contrast with the cabinets. Do I "wuss out" and just go with white again? It seems so boring. Right now I am partial to Copper Mountain from Ben Moore, but I am afraid it is kind of lifeless. What to do, what to do? It was supposed to be started in a week or so, but sadly the 60 year old painter died last weekend, very suddenly. Now his son, who also has a painting company, will do the job in the middle of November. How many more colors can I sample before then?? My kitchen looks like a quilt festival already ;>)
So, those are my crazy thoughts running around in my head tonight. Maybe I should just go and eat some chocolate...what do you think??
Here is what is currently happening. Yesterday my 14 year old cat, Calvin, had his tumorous third eyelid removed. He had been having some pro bono magnetic resonance therapy, which I referred to as hocus pocus therapy ( after all, it does involve something that resembles a divining rod ), but it did not help his eye. He looks good as new now, but I have to give him artificial tears and polymycin salve.
It rained hard here all day and although we do need the rain badly it was pouring when I went grocery shopping...not cold...just pouring. But rain and October ar powerful associations and therefore I found myself buying "Fall Food", you know, like meat for pot roast, parsnips and buttercup squash. Amazing how powerful a simple rainy day can be.
Speaking of fall, I have a dilemma. This spring I bought a metal trough type windowbox for my kitchen window next to my back door. I planted it with impatients and let them go. They are so beautiful now that I cannot bring myself to pull them out and plant mums and pansies. So now I have a schizophrenic looking tableau, a basket with sunflowers, oak leaves with acorns and bittersweet hanging on the back door, a window box full of pink, white and salmon impatients and a zinc watering can with bittersweet in it. I am afraid the little men in white coats will be here for me anytime, lol.
I am not sure why these italics keep appearing and disappearing, they seem to have a mind of their own!! For the first time in my life I am having a contractor paint for me. Pretty exciting stuff for a girl who demands perfection in such things and then doesn't do a very good job when she does it herself. We were to have the kitchen done and also the foyer, stairway and upstairs hall. That area still has wallpaper which was put up on bare wallboard when the house was built. No plaster, no paint, no sizing and I can tell you from stripping all the other rooms in the house that it is a bear to do. Plus the stairwell is impossible to get to. The color for the foyer etc will be a straw color, no problem. I pride myself on being very good with color and can actually carry color around in my head until I find the perfect shade. That being said, I am making myself crazy with the kitchen color. The floors and countertops are a darkish blue which I still like although the countertops are showing some wear, the cabinets are pickled oak. They are the bugaboo! I would paint the kitchen a straw color or camel color, but the cabinets have a pink tinge which looks awful with any yellow tint. I would go with a nice taupe but it has to be really dark to contrast with the cabinets. Do I "wuss out" and just go with white again? It seems so boring. Right now I am partial to Copper Mountain from Ben Moore, but I am afraid it is kind of lifeless. What to do, what to do? It was supposed to be started in a week or so, but sadly the 60 year old painter died last weekend, very suddenly. Now his son, who also has a painting company, will do the job in the middle of November. How many more colors can I sample before then?? My kitchen looks like a quilt festival already ;>)
So, those are my crazy thoughts running around in my head tonight. Maybe I should just go and eat some chocolate...what do you think??
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
We stayed at The Blue Shutters Inn, a classic B&B type arrangement in an old house ( I am guessing the early 1800s by the floors and general architecture of the original structure) that has been added onto many times over the years. I believe there are four rooms in the Main House. There is a newer structure with 6 rooms in the back. The Inn is owned by a young couple, Paul and Ewa , who make your stay a very pleasant one. The rooms and baths are not "fancy", but are very serviceable. The location is perfect...steps from the Marginal Way, close to Perkins Cove and a short walk uptown to antique shops, funky boutiques, restaurants and and a bakery to die for, Bread and Roses Bakery.
Late Saturday afternoon we returned from our ocean walk and found wine was out on the sideboard. I helped myself to a glass of Chianti and sat on the porch listening to the ocean, reading the new Romantic Homes magazine. Does it get any better than this?? Oh yeah, it was sunny and about 72 degrees...just perfect. We ate pizza outside at Caffe Prego and got dessert to go. Quite delicious, but little did we know that the bakery was open late and we could have chosen from a much larger selection there. It is really lovely to stay somewhere where you can walk uptown and to the beach in the evening and enjoy the sights and sounds after dark. The only downside, we were not in a residential neighborhood so Housepeeping was not an option. Sorry!
Monday, September 28, 2009
OK, everyone who knows me at all well knows that I am a bit ( OK, more than a bit) of a food snob. I make 99% of our food from scratch and enjoy cooking comfort type foods for Bob and myself. Bob brags to his friends and co-workers that he eats "restaurant quality" food every night. So, call me gobsmacked when I tried a sample of this chicken at Trader Joes. It is so very delicious that I swear to you I could eat the whole bag which they proclaim is 5 servings. Even though it is dark meat chicken, the batter is light and tasty and it is not greasy at all when baked for 18 minutes and it is not salty. The sauce is just the right touch of tangy and sweet, with a hint of ginger. Serve with some brown rice and roasted broccoli and it is a quick and tasty dinner and the chicken is only $5.
Tasty, Tasty, Tasty!
Friday, September 25, 2009
The pictures above were taken on The Marginal Way, a walking trail that runs above the ocean for over a mile in Ogunquit Maine. The house belongs to a very, very fortunate homeowner. Imagine how much a home overlooking this view is worth ;>)
Off to a Birthday party for my French amie, Valerie.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Remember a few days ago when I told you I had worked on a ferry in the summers during college?? I showed you a picture of the MV Valcour cruising its way across Lake Champlain from Burlington VT to Port Kent NY. This weekend we were visiting a Flea Market in Kennebunk ME and what to my wondering eyes should appear?? This plate still had the $1.79 price tag on the back from the Ferry Dock gift shop. Wanna know how much this treasure ( at least to me) was ??? Best deal ever.....$1.
Who says you can't find a good deal once in a while?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Anniversary # 18

We are off to Ogunquit Maine tomorrow to spend a couple of nights at the seashore celebrating our 18th Anniversary, a Scintilating Seashore Sojourn, if you will. I just realized that I don't know what the 18th Anniversary is?? Probably something prosaic like paper towels or lawn fertilizer.
On a related note I have spent the better part of the last two days trying to find something to make the 40 Longs look like grapefruits, but alas, I have not been successful. Something that my father would refer to as "an over the shoulder boulder holder" in black peekaboo lace. Ladies, take it from me, such a thing does not exist.
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