Next on the agenda, BJ had another post today on her HOT Kitchens Open House and in honor of that I filched two kitchens off the Rate My Space pages that I like. I don't think either of them are most people's idea of a dream kitchen, but I like the way they look ( call me shallow). I could whip up some really good meals in either one, because I can cook baby.

Next, in the"It's a Small World After All" category ( good luck getting that song out of your head), I met a wonderful blogger from South Africa. Her name is Eleanor and she lives in a thatched cottage with beautiful flowers and exotic birds. As luck would have it I have only met one person from S. Africa in my life, an AFS student in High School. Well, Eleanor knows her that an amazing coincidence or what?? Go visit Eleanor and tell her I sent you..she will love the company.
Lastly, I am feeling a bit maudlin today because two of my most loyal ("I'll never buy or sell a house without you") clients have listed their homes with other agents without so much as a howdy-do. People don't seem to understand that this is how I make a living and every time they say they will be loyal and then aren't they not only hurt my feelings, but almost as important, they hurt my bottom line ( which is at zero, a big goose egg) so far this year. Moral of the story: never take your friends or clients for granted. So thank you friends for being loyal and making my morning reading routine a fun one. Love to you all.