Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I just started to read my blogs in Google Reader. Now most of you know that I am a technoklutz ( that is my coined word, should I put a little *trademark thingie* next to it?). I like keeping up with your blogs that way, makes it easier to see when a new post has arrived, but how do I comment?? I like to comment as often as possible so that you know I have been by to visit, but I don't see how that is an option. If you know, please comment or send me an e-mail, OK?



  1. Gosh Janet, it you're the 'technoklutz' I must be your sidekick! I don't even know what Google Reader is!

    Sorry - can't help here.

  2. To leave a comment you just go to the bottom of the post and where it says how many comments have been left you click on there. It will bring up everyones messages and then a space for you to leave your message and info.

    Hope that helps.


  3. I'm not familiar with Google Reader. Just stopping in to wish you a wonderful day and hope things are going well.
    Hugs ~

  4. Sorry, I'm no help to you on this one.

  5. I have a google reader and I loved it for a few weeks. Then when it told me I had 1000+ unread posts, I panicked and quit using it. Now I wander aimlessly, but at least I can comment when I visit!

    Happy day,

  6. Hi Janet,
    Oh, that's why you never leave a comment on my blog! (Just kidding!) I use Google Reader, but I'm so old fashioned I click on the blog link and go that way. Takes forever!!! And they add up so fast! Good luck! Please do let us know if you find a tip!
    Everyday Cookies

  7. I know....I know....You have to click on the title of the blog.....it is in blue type. That takes you directly to that specific post and just leave a comment at the bottom. TO leave you this comment I clicked on "May I have your assistance please??" I love Google Reader and featured it on my blog at one time.

    Hope this helps..........Mandy

  8. I have no idea what your talking about.....!!! Guess I'd better research this too! Isn't blogging great??? If you would have told me in my computer 101 class in college that I'd be doing what I do now (which is nothing compared to some other bloggers....) I would have NEVER believed you - EITHER would my professor!!

  9. Ummm...what is Google Reader?? I have to randomly chech blogs for new posts. Time consuming, I know, which is why I don't get around to that many...

  10. I have always wondered this myself, so I'm glad to read everyone's answers. Very enlightening! -Julia :-)

  11. Hi Janet :)

    I'm an idiot, because... one, I have no idea how to use this feature and two, because I just realized you're the one that sent me the card. I'm so sorry! Thank you for thinking of me :)


  12. I can't believe how many comments you got from people who don't know what Google Reader is. Wow, they've been doing it the hard way.

    How you comment depends on the source of the blog. I have WordPress, so for the WordPress blogs that appear in Google Reader I'm able to click on the Comment link in the Reader. But, for the blogs that use Blogger, and probably all the others but I've never noticed, I have to actually open the blog to leave a comment. I'm assuming that if I had a Blogger blog the Reader might show a comment link for me when I read other Blogger blogs in it.

    For the Blogger blogs, I use the Reader to see if there are posts on that blog that I want to comment on. If I don't want to comment, I just go through them on the Reader. When I find one where I want to comment, I open the blog and finish reading all of the entries and comment from there.


Thanks for stopping by. Please leave me a comment if you have enjoyed my blog. I look forward to "chatting" with you.
