Much to be thankful for; the weather has broken and the last couple of days have been glorious and I have an accepted offer in the works and it looks like I will get paid ( a paltry sum indeed) after a long, dry 8 months.
These are some random pictures from the Providence Preservation Historic House Tour last Saturday. The heat wasn't too bad early on and only started getting atrocious as we finished and found a lovely air conditioned restaurant for a late lunch. ZBar, for those of you who know Providence.

Very old, very steep stairs and "Ye Olde Colonial " decor. Not my favorite.

Not on the tour, needs paint and my friend Martha hanging about.

Still hanging about at a different house

This was our favorite house. Very livable with homey, whimsical decor. We only got to see the first floor, but it was fun and had a lovely garden in the back. Those windows between the dormers are called monitors and were used to allow heat to escape. Pretty smart back in the 18th century. They claim they are indigenous to the Providence area.

House across the street from "the favorite".

This home, which is far bigger than it looks, belongs to a ...gasp...30 year old guy! He never went to college, but started a company right out of HS with his computer geek friend and in 2007 they sold to Microsoft for an undisclosed amount ( reported to be about a Billion dollars). The home belonged to the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island. Sorry ladies he has a girlfriend and also has parents. I was hoping to adopt him, lol.

In the last year the formal rooms have been restored and the rest has been renovated/redone with exquisite taste. A remarkable undertaking for a team of craftsmen, decorators, landscape architects etc. This is a view from the grounds, although you can barely see the house behind that magnificent Copper Beech tree.

Funky, huh? This is part of the trunk of the Copper Beech. They are gorgeous trees and I had never seen one until I moved to this area. You don't see them often, but when you do they take your breath away.

A random Nepeta/ catmint plant. Wouldn't my kitties love to roll around in that??

This was the registration building. A beautiful home owned by Brown University.

Church Doors

Trying to get artsy...not too successful!
That's it for now. I have to finish scrubbing the lattice under the deck and the railings. The part that I did yesterday looks much improved and makes the undone part look that much worse.
PS: Anyone experiencing any difficulties with Blogger? My blog is my home page and I have been unable to access it for most of the last couple of days. Because of these difficulties I have been reading your posts in Google Reader, but have been unable to comment. Sorry, I will comment as soon as I can...just remember you are not forgotten or abandoned.