Welcome to today's Virtual Holiday Home Tour. I have some new pictures and some new refreshments.

Won't you please come in out of the frosty weather? Oh dear, where are my manners, perhaps you should come around to the side door.

Oh yes, this is much better, don't let that wreath snag you. I like my wreaths to be "organic", but sometimes people find them to be a bit threatening!!
Well come right in, don't worry about your shoes, we are not very formal here and if the loor gets dirty I will just mop it later after all the company is gone.

Oh yes, this is the kitchen, it is the room where all the magic happens. Not just at Christmas, but all year long Mama Janet is busy cooking wonderful made from scratch food for whoever comes by at meal time. Sorry about those bottles of pills on the windowsill, I meant to put them away before my guests arrived. Of course, if I put them away I won't remember to take them and when you reach a certain age ( and weight) you just have to take meds!!
Oh yes, take a peek into the dining room before we settle in. It's not a big room, but I do think it is rather a pretty room and the round table really suits the size and scale. You agree? That's so nice of you to say.

Yes, we New Englanders are quite frugal, we are known for it actually. Cutting greens from your yard is a great way to make a centerpiece for the table. I plan to add cranberries to the vase in a couple of days. I am not sure how long they will last, so I want to err on the side of caution.

Yes, close up you can see the mercury glass ornaments from Target and those delightful pine cones that look like roses. We don't have those here; they were imported from Washington State. Clarice sent them to me and I just love them.

The chandelier gets a touch of class with my new acorn ornaments and a few greens. Cute, huh?
Oh yes, I have been collecting blue and white dishes of all sorts for many years and a few of them have ended up on that shelf over the desk. The nativity scene belonged to my parents and I have never known Christmas without it. It always goes on the desk where cats won't jump up and knock it over. Oh dear, you're not allergic are you??

I think we should head into the Living Room before the tea gets cold. I've got a nice fire going to keep my guests toasty warm. Ooh, I almost forgot to show you my one little glitter house. Quite cute and I love the "For Sale" sign that I found for it. What Realtor could resist buying that sign??

Won't you sit and have some tea. I've made some of my Christmas meringues. This is my most requested Christmas

recipe; everyone seems to love them. Milk or sugar, oh dear I am so forgetful I forgot the lemon.

None for you, my you are just being polite I am sure. Meringue?

Just sit and relax.

have a look around the Living Room. It isn't fancy, but we like it. We don't have a family room so all our living is done here.

Yes, the tree is very faux, but you know it is sooo very easy to put up and the best part is that it is pre-lit. I LUV that!!

Did you bring some sheet music for your favorite carols?. We could sit around the Pump Organ and sing. Wait a minute, I have to go get the buckets. You know, buckets, like pails. Yes, that is what I use to carry tunes LOL. I will be right back with them. I keep them hidden because they don't "go" with my decor.

Well, that was fun, wasn't it. I am glad you came. If you are quiet, you can sneak upstairs and see Cooper and Chloe , the shy kitties who haven't been seen on the blog. Just be very quiet, they are very skittish around strangers.

This one is Chloe. She sleeps on my bed most of the day. A girl needs her beauty rest, don't you know??

This is Cooper, Chloe's brother. Don't they look alike? Cooper is the guard cat that stays awake to protect me from any vermin that might want to attack me. At least that is what Bob seems to believe.
Thank you for visiting me. If you would like to see more holiday pictures, please refer back to the tour that I posted last Wednesday. I am exhausted now after playing the "two faces of Eve", I don't know how anyone could portray all three faces.