First, Bob says "thanks" to all who extended Birthday wishes. He is eating chocolate peanut butter quickbread from Williams Sonoma. They call it quickbread, but don't be fooled, it is cake baked in a loaf pan!!
Second, I have been given my first award by Manuela at The Feathered Nest and I am so proud. I even figured out how to show it on the blog. Pretty good for a techno-clutz (newly coined word, by me).
Thirdly, I have been tagged for the seven random things meme( what does that word mean or stand for?) by Pam of Pam's Place. I am working on it and will get to it by the end of the week.
Thought I would show you what hubbie an I did this weekend.

This farm is in Newbury Mass near the New Hampshire border. Long drive, 75 miles, for a turkey but, they raise their own in a humane fashion, with no drugs or hormones and they are extra delicious. I also bought his dried floral for the china cabinet. They make the most gorgeous fall florals and wreaths.

Not a great picture, but beside the Indian corn there are grains and dried sunflowers. I just love the color of the ribbon. that will be recycled for sure.
Part of the fun of the Tom Turkey Trip is going to Newburyport, just up the road from Newbury. Not a big surprise, huh? Newburyport was once the fourth largest city in the US, back in the late 1700s. It was a whaling port and the "High Street" is lined with mansions owned by successful whalers. In the 20th century the town was a mill town and became very run down. In the 70s the town was revived and it is one of my favorite places to visit. So many shops and restaurants. So, we had a nice lunch of fish chowder and fish sandwiches and then went here.

You can't see the name"The Wish Basket" and boy do I have a lot of wishes in there. Most things are too pricey, but very fun to look at. I love to look at things, but I don't often buy things. I really have enough stuff. But it sure is tempting in here. Next we went to a great bookstore, Jabberwocky, that has the best selection of decorating books. Ones I don't see at Borders or B&N. Then we walked to Flukes, Finds & Friends, one of my all time favorite shops with a mix of old and new. I tried to take some pix, but it was pretty crowded and Santa kept coming and going, LOL. Here are the pictures I got of some of the displays.

I bought a little bird ornament and a balsam candle. Then we walked and took some pictures of houses. Are you getting tired of my house pictures yet? Here is a sample of some old houses and a couple of newer ones (at last I think they are new, but very hard to tell.
Do you detect a theme with my pictures? I never noticed until I printed these:

See what I mean. Maybe if I had interspersed the yellow houses in between the others...hmmm, guess I just love yellow houses.
Sunday we made a trip to Trader Joes to get wine for the holiday season. I just love that their wine is so well priced and I always get different labels to try. I also love their BayBlend coffee. Then off to the regular grocery store and Borders and home. Phew...long day again, but no complaints from hubbie. See what I love about him. As long as I am happy, he is happy.
Ps. First brick house and white house are new I believe. They sure did a nice job of making them fit the street of federal era houses.